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America Has a Weight Issue

This isn't your typical article on weight I promise. Actually this is probably far from it. As most know I'm good for talking about topics most don't like to discuss or ones not often seen mentioned.

I bring to you another look into a huge issue not often seen unless you're personally dealing with it yourself. America has a weight issue, but what issue am I referring to exactly?

Maybe you've experienced this scenario before. You go to the doctor. You're a little over weight, instead of focusing on why you are there they focus on you being over weight and helping you loose weight and giving you the run down on heart health, etc. They set you up with some labs and send you on your way. While completely dismissing the true nature of your visit.

If you're over weight, obese, morbidly obese then everything must be caused by your weight. Your weight must be the cause to every health issue you experience. So everything is focused on you losing weight and getting help so you feel better. It's this defeating process. It gets repeated over and over. Things ultimately get missed.

We live in a country where things are so focused on those who are over weight. But what happens when it's the opposite? What happens to the patient who's underweight or even severely underweight?

I've been both for a few years now as my health has continued to decline. Being just underweight it's not too big of a deal no one really brings it up or seems too alarming. You don't get special talks about how being underweight damages organs, etc.

I've spent more time being severely to very severely underweight now then I did just being slightly underweight. I loose weight like there's no tomorrow. I don't have control over it and gaining weight is near impossible. I have gastrointestinal conditions that also make it much harder but surely not impossible.

I never disclose my weight, but if you care about BMI mine is 15.2 so let that put this into perspective a bit. At appointments, now virtually, I state my weight and I'm prepared to hear a whole thing about my weight, but no one blinks an eye, ever.

For over a year I've had to fight for better treatment for ways that could help in gaining weight. Every time being denied. Its not like I'm asking for a pink flying unicorn with a glittery butthole (oh I expressed that statement to my doctor too😂). I do my research. I even printed it out and handed it to my doctor. Things that have actually been proven to help in GAINING weight.

Why don't I just switch doctors. The sad thing is, according to local groups others haven't had much luck with other doctors. And again it doesn't seem that being severely underweight is something medical professionals seem to want to address.

Why do we do so much to shame and fault those who are over weight into not even wanting to see a doctor because it's the same thing every time they go. Yet those who are underweight are being dismissed like its nothing to be concerned about. Like being underweight is somehow more normal or more healthy or less concerning. Which is SO far from the truth!!

Not in all instances does skinny mean healthy!! Medical professionals need to start listening to their patients and helping them in gaining the weight they need.

As far as those who are over weight Medical professionals need to stop looking at the person and their size and start looking at their symptoms and why they are there in the first place. Stop dismissing them just because of a number on a scale!!

In the end it doesn't matter what extreme you are we are both people, yes we do need help with our weight which should be addressed, but one should not be only one seen for it while the other ignored. Address but also assess the other symptoms too.

Too many things are being missed or diagnosis are being delayed causing people their lives. Then they go on to blame it in their obesity when if only it took a doctor to look past that damn number to find the true cause to what was going on.

And why people who are 70lbs (remember the 70lb woman) are pleading for help to gain weight because doctors have ignored them or don't know how to help them. Why did we even let them get to such an absurdly low weight to begin with?!! We are ignoring the real issues at hand here!!!! Wake up America, wake the hell up!!!!!

It is so important to learn to self advocate for yourself until you learn to do that. Most doctors won't listen to you. Sure I have one who still won't budge. But majority of them if I actually come in and state what I need or what I think is wrong or what tests I'd like or suggest, they are actually pretty accepting of this. Most see this as me taking charge of my health or knowing a thing or two. I pick a lot of my doctors brains now and we have in depth conversations that go beyond just my health in general.

Also its important to advocate for those instances when things don't go so well! When someone doesn't know what they are talking about and could really put you in a position to do you harm. You NEED to be in a position and be comfortable enough to say NO. State your reasons and the corrections. Know your facts!!! This is your health, its your body, remember that!! Stand up for yourself and know the care that you deserve. I'm not saying go and be disrespectful about it. Just know its ok to say no and why and to give alternatives. Give proven facts. Its always your right for a second option!!

America has a weight issue and it needs to be talked about, and heard!!!

People have been silent for far too long. This topic has been quiet for far too long and it needs to end! It needs to be discussed, our voices need to be heard!!

I hear you, I see you, let's start a conversation, let's open the flood gates and let many voices on this topic be heard and welcome a world of change!!

Fighting to breathe another day💜 #beccasfight

America has a weight issue and it needs to be talked about, and heard!!!



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Hi, my name is Rebecca. First I am so glad you found my blog, so welcome. I am a mom of two and an avid creator. I love embroidery, t-shirt making, and learning how to make new things in my spare time. I’ve been writing ever since I could remember as it’s my preferred method of communication. I created this blog to write out different period of my life. In doing so I hope to inspire, and encourage others to keep going. As isolating as life may get, you are never a lone.

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