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Post Trach Removal

I met with my Pulmonologist on May 24th. I had my tracheostomy downsized from a 6 to 4. This allows the stoma to shrink. I also had to cap the trach which ensures that your upper airway is working and there's no complications, etc.

On May 27th I officially had my Tracheostomy removed after having it for 4 months.

Once it's removed you have to keep it covered as the stoma closes. Tegaderm is the best bandage to use as it's also waterproof and gives a good seal. I found i am very allergic to Tegaderm. It was not a fun experience! I was constantly itchy, my neck burned, and benedryl only helped a bit. I ended up with blisters, and raw skin from where the adhesive sat. I wasn't willing to risk my stoma not closing properly or having complications so I stuck with it.

My stoma closed within the first week. I kept the tegaderm on for longer and then switched to a normal bandaid for a little over a week before feeling comfortable going without any bandage.

The first time I saw my stoma I literally laughed and said "I have a butthole on my neck" 😂

Getting the tracheostomy removed was a very fast process. No stitches are used unless it doesn't close in a months time (every doctor is different with this time frame). I unhooked the neck strap/chain and I coughed my trach out before my doctor could pull it out.

It felt so AMAZING being able to breathe on my own. I wasn't coughing constantly and having mucus build up. I wasn't going through a box of tissues over a couple days. After the removal I pretty much immediately returned to normal.

It was so surreal to have the tracheostomy out. It took me a while to write this because its a lot to process. There's so much to be thankful for. Its so hard to think of where things were last year to the point of needing the trach to begin with. It's difficult to realize I could have died over something so easily preventable and treated. Had I given up fighting, where would I be today?

I'm not completely out of the woods yet though. While visiting FL in June, I was hit with the all too familiar feeling of not being able to breathe. It lasted for a good 10 mins. I contacted my pulmonologist and he was able to send a script for an inhaler to a pharmacy close us!

I have a pulmonary function test (PFT) scheduled for September to see if I still have the airway obstruction. In my initial PFT I had a moderate to severe obstruction. We think its asthma at this point. Though I'm not triggered by the usual irritants. I don't always get this feeling when out. Though my doctor and I are very curious how this PFT will compare to my initial test. I'm pretty sure my lung function will be up, but I can still feel the obstruction while exhaling. But there are ways to treat this with inhalers and nebulizer medications. I'm not too worried about that.

Here we are a little over a month since my tracheostomy removal. My stoma has healed really well. I've been using antibiotic ointment plus bio oil to help reduce the scar. Over time the scar will get lighter.

I'm incredibly thankful to be a live and have so much support from so many amazing people.

Keep fighting to breathe another day 💜 #beccasfight



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Hi, my name is Rebecca. First I am so glad you found my blog, so welcome. I am a mom of two and an avid creator. I love embroidery, t-shirt making, and learning how to make new things in my spare time. I’ve been writing ever since I could remember as it’s my preferred method of communication. I created this blog to write out different period of my life. In doing so I hope to inspire, and encourage others to keep going. As isolating as life may get, you are never a lone.

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