I'm trying something new and doing a video blog. I know for some this is easier then reading a post. For those who still wish to read I have posted everything I talked about below.
Its been 3 months since I started this journey with my G-tube and really focusing on healing my body and getting better. Even if it didn't work I was hopeful that this was the tool I've needed all a long. I didn't have anything to loose by trying what I did.
I was diagnosed with severe Gastroparesis and Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome before my potassium ever became dangerously low. My stomach was already not working great and my intestines were already slow. They've always been.
I am learning so much about hypokalemia and even find myself questioning the damages its caused and if I'll regain what I've lost.
My lungs are already so much stronger. I can't help but think about how else hypokalemia destroyed my body in the process of over 2 years!!
My swallow is also a lot better then it was and I'm not choking now either. I still have to be careful with liquids as too much makes me really sick or of course eating more that what I can empty in a fair amount of time. Because my stomach is paralyzed it does take a lot longer for things to empty from my stomach. Thankfully with my G-tube I have a bit more control and I'm not nauseous 24/7 or vomiting into pure exhaustion.
Due to the hypokalemia I do suspect my Gastroparesis became a lot worse then it was previously and even had an effect on my intestines as well. Hypokalemia is known to cause intestinal paralysis!! Let that sink in a bit. So the cause of my malabsorption was likely caused by my intestines being so slow and shutting down by the hypokalemia.
I almost died because of my potassium being so severely low for so long causing my lungs to fail and my body overall was failing as a result. Luckily and I am so lucky that my heart remained strong during all this. That was something I really worried about as my kidneys, lungs, and other muscle functions were growing more weak and failing.
These last two years were beyond painful!! Its awful now to think so much of what I endured could have been prevented. No one should have to go through this!
I am now focusing on nourishing my body and healing. Hopefully I can slowly regain the muscle function I lost as well as strengthening those muscles with time.
My core was so strong before all this went down and now I need assistance sitting up from laying down. I still have chronic pain but I will say its not as terrible as it was a few months ago.
Yes, I do still use a wheelchair due to POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), my legs giving out due to snapping hip syndrome, and overall pain. I probably won't use the powerchair as much unless for long trips because my muscles aren't what they used to be in my core and upper body. I am slowly working on building that back little by little.
I'm more focused on nutrition, and maintaining my potassium levels. While also gaining weight and recovering from the damage my body went through. Everything else will be worked on more slowly as I don't want to work my body too much and too fast. That also poses a lot of issues and has a higher risk of injury.
I am in the process of working on a number of blogs and posts. Figuring out the best way to break things down so information isn't lost or given too much at once.
I appreciate everyone who has followed me thus far and supporting me through all this.
Keep fighting to breathe another day 💜